


We grow and manage highly scalable transformative businesses that solve our biggest problems

What we do

We are a team of experts in finance, operations, business strategy, and economic development who specialize in regenerative systems and carbon negative solutions.

We are dedicated to scaling businesses that solve some of the world's biggest challenges in the areas of environmental degradation, waste remediation, carbon emissions, and human longevity.


  • Networks
  • Aggregation
  • Collaboration & Cooperation


  • Financial Innovation
  • Strategic Capital Partnerships
  • Fund Management


  • Strategic Planning
  • Business Development
  • Carbon Sequestration, Credits, & Market


  • Lean Startup
  • Scale & Replication
  • International Markets

Let's redefine the future.

As the saying goes, we can't solve problems with same level of thinking that got us there in the first place. At the Viridian Group, "thinking differently " isn't just a buzzword, it's a way of being. We look at businesses and solutions with a unique lens to create profitable opportunities, a stronger EBITDA, exponential connection points, and creative financing models that others might miss.


Contact Us.

Want to connect with Viridian Group? Drop us a line here or send an email to hello(at)